Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Crunchy Tortilla Ranch Chicken Thighs

Today was a long and stressful today. One of the lovely ladies that I work closely with knows me well and apparently loves me dearly (or just wants me to get fat, but we will go with the love thing). When she came in my classroom this morning, the threw a package of 12 Reese's peanut butter cups on my desk! Mmmm... peanut butter cups... Anyway, so, she must have known that I will need them to get through the next 10 1/2 days. I will admit, through out the day I ate a few... Ok, I had 3! So shoot me! Now, I have moved on to vodka and Dr. Pepper. 

Supper tonight is a recipe that I kind of threw together and "invented," based on what I had in the fridge and pantry. I worried about this turning out decent... Ok, this turned out AMAZING!!! Sooo good!! 

Crunchy Tortilla Ranch Chicken Thighs
6-8 chicken thighs
1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
2 cup tortilla chips
2-3 T melted butter or spray butter
1 package dry Ranch dressing

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put tortilla chips in a food processor or blender and blend them up until they are broken up into pea size pieces or a little smaller. Put ground up tortilla chips, shredded Parmesan cheese, and dry Ranch dressing mix into a large ziplock bag. Coat chicken with melted butter or butter spray. Put into ziplock bag and shake to coat. Remove chicken piece and put into sprayed 9x13 pan. Repeat with other chicken thighs. Sprinkle remaining coating on top of chicken thighs. Bake for 45 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through.

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