Sunday, June 22, 2014

Chocolate Avocado Pudding... AMAZING!

So, I was told by the doc that my girls go to, that the oldest needs WAY more good fats in her diet. The doc also mentioned her eating more avocado, nuts, using coconut and olive oil more, etc. Oook... sooo, off I went to look for stuff she would eat. She is a picky one. SOOO picky. I had remembered seeing a recipe for chocolate pudding floating around the interwebs, using avocado. I found A LOT of various recipes, but decided to combine a couple. I wanted fast and easy. I mean SUPER easy. What I came up with is DELICIOUS and AMAZINGLY easy! I was very skeptical about this, really, I was. But, I had to do the chef taste test, of licking the spatula clean, after I scraped the food processor clean. It is SOOO good. Seriously. I am impressed.

The only change I might make, next time, is to use a little less cocoa powder. This had a pretty strong chocolate flavor, but still YUM!

Chocolate Avocado Pudding
1 ripe avocado
2 Tbsp. cocoa powder
1 1/2 Tbsp. honey or maple syrup
pinch of salt (approx. 1/16 tsp.)

Cut avocado in half. Scoop insides out and put them in a food processor. Add cocoa powder, honey or maple syrup, and salt. Blend up until all ingredients are mixed together and smooth. This can take a little bit, to get it all smooth and creamy. 

Taa Daaa!! 

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