Every time that we have spaghetti for supper, my oldest ALWAYS asks for meatballs. I rarely make them, because, well, I am lazy. Just browning the hamburger is way easier. So, tonight when I decided to make spaghetti, I thought I would surprise her with meatballs. When looking for a recipe, I wanted something quick and easy to make. Quick Meatballs
1 lb. ground beef 1/2 - 3/4 C. bread crumbs (I used gf) 1 egg lightly beaten garlic powder black pepper
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix all ingredients together. I threw all of the ingredients together in my KitchenAide mixer, I don't like touching raw meat. Once mixed well, form into meatballs, approximately the size of golfballs. Bake for 20-30, or until done.
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