Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Herding little drunk people and using up leftovers!

I have been doing 2 miles of walking/jogging, twice a week, with some wonderfully entertaining ladies that I work with. We can do our 2 miles in about 30 minutes, or a little less. The laughs we have make the time fly by! They are amazingly fun ladies, who have a gutter sense of humor, just like I do. We all get along well. I decided that I need to add more in than those 2 nights a week. So, I started the C25K. I just started on Sunday. Well, let me tell you, I thought I might die that afternoon. Really... LOL! Well, tonight was day 2. I drug the children along with me. My oldest daughter did pretty good and finished the whole session with my. My youngest, quit when we got back to the house. We still had about 10 minutes left and I was going to do that on the driveway around the house. My oldest and I finished it up and I was very proud of her for completing the whole session. 

While we were up on the blacktop, it was like herding little drunk people. They were running fast and slow and in front of me, then beside me, then behind me. Priya, our dog, went with us and my oldest was freaking out that she was going to eat trash out of the ditch or that she was running on the wrong part of the road, etc. Herding little drunk people, I tell ya! 

Since I used supper cooking time to get my session in, we had leftovers for supper. I made myself a quesadilla, using leftover roast from the crock pot. It was YUMM!

Quick and Easy Beef Quesadillas

1-2 Tbsp. oil
Corn tortillas, enough for 2 per quesadilla
Left over roast
Salsa, optional
Shredded lettuce, optional
Sour cream, optional

Pour oil in skillet, turn heat to medium. While the skillet is warming up, put together your quesadillas. On one corn tortilla, sprinkle a 1/8 c. shredded cheese. Place shredded beef on top of cheese, add more shredded cheese. Top with another corn tortilla. Place in skillet. Cook until golden brown on bottom side, then flip and cook other side until golden brown. Cut into triangle pieces, serve with salsa, shredded lettuce, and sour cream, optional.

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